Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Italy 2011 - Part 2

Update: Same as last time.

Entrance to the Musei Vaticani (Vatican Museum)

Statue of God Anubis, Musei Gregorio Egizio (Egyptian Antiquities), Musei Vaticani

Sarcophagus. Greek hero Achilles stabbing a goddess (center). The legend goes that he fell in love with her at the exact moment he dealt the mortal blow. In both their eyes can be seen a surge of both love and death. Achilles’s front arm supports her as she falls, and the other arm behind is imagined to be operating the knife. Musei Vaticani

In the Galleria della Arrazzi, Musei Vaticani. On the right, a bronze life-sized sculpture of the god Hercules

Frescoed ceiling of the Galleria delles Cartes Geografiches, Musei Vaticani

Depiction of the disputation of truth and the subsequent realization of the actual truth in the form of religion, Stanze di Raffaello (Raphael Rooms), Musei Vaticani. Raphael was commissioned to paint these rooms for the Pope residing there at the time.

In the Apartement de Borgia, Musei Vaticani. Here resided a relatively recent Pope, Borgia.

Contemporary rendition of La Pieta on stained glass, Collection of Contemporary Art, Musei Vaticani

Our room. I realize this is not exactly a tourist spot, but I just had to put this up because it was so brilliant. So if you're ever in Rome, look up a small accommodation called Alma de Roma, near the Stazione Termini, especially if you're on a tight budget and looking for a modest but comfortable place and especially one where everyone is so helpful and the atmosphere is so congenial. I know I did. =D

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