Sunday, October 2, 2011

(An Attempt at) A Normal, Non-Emo Blog Post

The past month happened to be rather an eventful one. I have found inside of me a newly acquired propensity to be COMPLETELY disinclined to attending class, I have seen a few more movies (to which we shall come in due course of time), I have gotten a prize with absolutely no prize money whatsoever (very useful, that) and I have found out that due to leaving my hair down almost all the time, I now am victim to a disease of sorts wherein my head starts to hurt if I tie my hair up for too long. While these might be mundane details to you, my dear, cherished reader, to me, these are the little tids and bits of everyday life that keep me trudging along the sometimes dreary and sometimes rather topsy-turvy hill that they call my life.

The first batch of tests for this semester had the gall to ruin my life about three weeks back, bringing with them fresh experiences from the darkest pits of hell. When reminded of their existence, I made an effort to study for a bit after giving up completely and inevitably screwing up majorly the next morning. By the end of that week I was so disheveled that I was near to the state of walking into walls and staring dazedly into nothing whatsoever. Not from the continuous studying, you understand, but simply from the certain sensation in the heart of my stomach of having disastrously messed up my first terms to what I was sure were to be dire consequences. At about this exact time, I was also struck with a rather persistent cold which made my nostrils spew like the Niagara Falls. Missing class seemed only natural, and ever since then I have not been able to get myself to resign to the necessity of attendance as much as I used to.

I also have new music from a variety of different sources, mainly S. S's songs have a tendency to grow on me, thus brightening up my life but gradually and only eventually. Sort of like well matured wine.

As for the movies. I finally got around to watching Delhi Belly, albeit rather belatedly. For me this exceeded expectations because I had never planned to watch it in the first place. Either way, excellent movie and very well made. Please do get your hands on it if you haven't already. I also saw That Girl in Yellow Boots. A decent watch but frankly not brilliant stuff and to me for some reason, rather predictable. And today I went and saw Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster, which was also quite a well made film and should be watched by anyone who has a little bit of time on their hands. It has its basic flaws but these are few and far between and I found that its...boisterousness and kitsch rather make up for any shortcomings.

College has declared a rather long holiday and today is my first day back home. The prospect of having not much to do over the next week or so is making me rather happy at the moment. Even more so, the thought of falling asleep to good music. Ah, the little things in life.