Friday, July 16, 2010

And so it begins.

I don't think much (I figure the world is much better off without it).I don't have an abnormally large brain. Ergo, it follows logically that I'm not someone who's very strongly and aggressively opinionated. But whatever opinions I do have, I like to air them. By talking mostly. People who know me well know that 'tis seldom I shut my mouth. People who know me well also know that for precisely the same reason, 'tis better not to listen. But I continue regardless, hoping that someday, someone will really listen. Hang on to my every word. Heed my every command. So far the closest I've come to that is a toaster.

But I digress. My point was, if I remember it correctly, that I like to let people know what I'm thinking, if and when I am. Every minute of every hour of every day of every year of my frightfully boring and sickeningly ordinary life. Lately however, the stream of listeners in my life (even if all they're doing is staring at me with glassy eyes and thinking about what they'll have for lunch) seems to have dried up. I wonder why.

And so I turn to writing. Penning down my thoughts, as it were. I would have said typing, but the former seemed more poetic. Such are the beginnings of this blog.

Fortunately, I also have a lot of time on my hands. You see, I am currently in the twilight phase between school and college. I know for a fact that law school, where I am headed, will fuck me over eternally and irrevocably. Thus, time is something I doubt I'll ever have again. Of course, I shall try my best to update this blog regularly. But I make no guarantees. (This lets me off the hook and anyone who blames me for not posting frequently enough will heretofore be directed to these very lines of this very post and will then be told to eat my shorts.)

I would like to also state at the outset that comments would be highly appreciated. Throwing eggs and/or tomatoes at me in public would however, be not.

"Writing only boils down to stealing what someone else has written and taking credit for it," someone famous had said once. I forget who. So I reason it can't be that hard.

That said, I realise that all possible avenues of procrastination have now been shut. It is finally time to begin.


Espèra said...


Keep 'em posts coming. :)

arshiya said...

you just got a fan :)eagerly waitin fr the next post!!

spandan said...

i am quite commentless at this point....i couldnt make any pun or funny one liner out of anything u wrote i would say good job.but watch out,i dont miss many mini....see see i just did it!i made a fun.....ahh chuck getting lay-me....sigh....

Monkey With Keyboard said...

Yay! Shtuff to wead! @_@
Is the template default or didja design?

thegirlwithoneheart said...

@Espera and Arshiya: Thanks a lot! Encouragement is essential for a fledgling blog to grow :D

@Spandy: Yes you are. But thanks anyway :)
@Nyx: Default. And are you Prachi or Subohi?!

Midnight Sun said...

WOOoo. u write.
am proud of u.
i dont.
and i'm subohi.
its good that ur doing something productive with ur time, as opposed to me, who is just spending it freaking out about whether its supposed to be some priceless/valuable time in which i should be accomplishing something amazing and learnin a lot/ becoming a better human blah blah blah
keep writin, minna! *cheers on*

thegirlwithoneheart said...

It IS priceless/valuable time. You should NOT however, be learning a lot/becoming a better human. But you SHOULD be accomplishing something amazing, namely, the largest amount of vellapanti you have ever done or will ever do. Like I said, these days won't come back and it's unlikely you'll ever have so much time on your hands again. So use it well :P said...

Hahahahaha. Nice style of writing you got there :D

thegirlwithoneheart said...

Thanka :)