Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ze plot, she thickens.

We had an interview with the Vice-Chancellor of NLUD yesterday.
'Twas weird.

For some reason, they've included six books on "self-improvement" in the bag of things they gave us, all written by some Swami who has a long name I've forgotten but I remember it starts with a P. They're all as thin as a friggin TV Guide and as long as a pocket dictionary. And I really hope we aren't expected to read them. They're full of words like Thou and Thine and Shalt. You know, stuff that sounds cool if used in a couple of sentences at most.

We were also asked to fill in a bunch of forms "promising" that we wouldn't rag anyone. Which is again something I don't get, because I mean, if anybody is to be ragged, it'd be us.
Our college also has an anti-ragging squad, which is good. But they've included two students from each batch, a girl and a guy, on it. Even OUR batch. AND the batch above us. Which is bad.

There's a thick book detailing the digital library and how to exactly use it. And then the prospectus, the first 25 pages of which are filled with details of how stringently rules are applied on campus, like the 6 pm campus curfew, or the 9 pm hostel curfew. And the last page has a few photos titled "Campus Life" which shows students smiling and playing guitar and doing normal things. Perhaps they hoped that the horror of first 25 pages could be undone with a single page full of pictures of mildly joyous kids who have obviously been forced to do "extra-curricular activities" expressly for the purpose of this page of the brochure and have ended up looking like not much more than a bunch of crazed morons.

We were asked to fill in the forms in the auditorium, where a bunch of teachers pretty much grabbed our originals and vowed never to give them back.
Then we were allotted rooms and roommates. The rooms are twin seaters, and they're not too bad in terms of size. There's sufficient bathrooms too. All in all, apart from the hostel not being air-conditioned, which is something you can't really expect in India, I have no complaints.

Our campus is pretty huge, and completely Wi-Fi enabled. The academic block is air-conditioned. The hostels also have gyms and a common room with a television.
There's a lot more to tell, but unfortunately my cousin has now switched on the television and is watching some crappy Bollywood song at maximum volume, which is making it hard to concentrate and not type out, "Tere naina, tere naina, tere naina re."
So the rest shall have to wait. Until the next time.

P.S.: I may not be posting for a long time now. Next week, college starts and there is also a wedding in the family. So I'll be attending classes all morning and ceremonies in the evening. My apologies for depriving you of your weekly"Oh-My-God-her-life-is-crappier-than-mine-I-feel-so-much-better" kick.


Monkey With Keyboard said...

Lawks. Thou dost grossly overestimate the crappiness of thy life - THOU LIVEST WITHIN A HOSTEL ROOM!!!!!
I now shall weep for mine self.

And the ragging part - sometimes freshers pretend to be seniors and rag their own batch, I guess it's a guard against that. And the future. Kyunki senior bhi kabhi fuchcha tha.

Midnight Sun said...

@ nyx- LOL :D envy me too! i shall be completely independent of my parents in the HOSTEL! Muhahaha :P

@mini- u have wifi! :0 awesome. i envy you. and WHY don't hostels have ac's? WHY? i'm afraid of dying next summer, wherever i am tab..... said...

You have Wifi? Unfair! My college's hostel rooms have wired connections and Wifi only in the halls. But we have ACs in the rooms so woohoo. :P

Even DU asks freshers to sign the anti-ragging thing. Strange, if you ask me.

Espèra said...

Midnight - You'll probably have summer holidays tab :P
Plus you don't sleep with an AC anyway :P

Espèra said...

Minneh. I envy thy hostel room. :|

Sam said...

aye, nice blog yo!

Disguise said...

You're doing LAWWW? Wowowow, I want to do law too :)